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Brand strategy

The specific scope of activities undertaken in relation to the company's brand, e.g. to attract loyal brand consumers or to shape a specific brand image.


A brand - an intangible element characteristic of each company that allows it to be distinguished from the competition - should be created by the company in such a way that it is best associated with the recipients and encourages them to buy specific products.


The entire long-term and complex process of building brand awareness in the minds of potential consumers requires the development of a precise and meticulous action plan that will allow customers to better associate the brand on the market.


We can distinguish several strategies that will apply to various types of brands:


  • individual brand strategy

  • family brand strategy

  • multi-brand strategy

  • combo brand strategy

  • extended brand strategy

  • co-branding strategy - cooperation of two independent brands in order to increase market influence


When creating a brand strategy, it is necessary to define the target group of our advertising messages, how our company is perceived by the individual recipient and the entire market in general, what we have to offer, what competition we will have to face and what advantages our product has. Specifying these elements will allow you to create a brand strategy that will be ideally suited to the potential recipient and will affect the achievement of the intended goals. Thanks to this, the awareness of the presence of the brand will be high, and it will allow for the continuous development of the company.

Contact with us

+48-577-922-575 info@vreego.pl

Company's data

VREEGO Sp. z o.o.
ul. Nowogrodzka 31, 00-511 Warszawa
KRS 0000694112
REGON 368241336
NIP 7010714650

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Administratorem podanych przez Ciebie danych osobowych jest Vreego Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie, 00-511 Nowogrodzka 31.Czytaj więcej
Pani/Pana dane będą przetwarzane w celu przedstawienia Pani/Panu ofert produktów i usług firmy Vreego Sp. z o.o. Przysługuje Pani/Panu prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych. Ponadto przysługuje Pani/Panu sprzeciw wobec przetwarzania Pani/Pana danych osobowych.

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