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The nature of the company's operation based on conducting all activities on the Internet.


Due to the technological progress with which we are constantly in contact, the term e-business has become more and more common. By defining the nature of an enterprise in this way, we mean no more than that most or all of the enterprise's activities take place via the Internet. Yes, incl. so far, in order to sign a contract, you had to come to an appointment, read the content of the document and sign it, and in the case of e-business it is possible in a much more convenient, electronic form. The same also applies to acquiring new business contacts, or even meetings, which are replaced by teleconferences.


The slogan e-business is also associated with many other terms, such as e-commerce - electronic commerce, e-banking - electronic banking, or e-enterprise - electronic enterprise.

Contact with us

+48-577-922-575 info@vreego.pl

Company's data

VREEGO Sp. z o.o.
ul. Nowogrodzka 31, 00-511 Warszawa
KRS 0000694112
REGON 368241336
NIP 7010714650

Leave us a message

Administratorem podanych przez Ciebie danych osobowych jest Vreego Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie, 00-511 Nowogrodzka 31.Czytaj więcej
Pani/Pana dane będą przetwarzane w celu przedstawienia Pani/Panu ofert produktów i usług firmy Vreego Sp. z o.o. Przysługuje Pani/Panu prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych. Ponadto przysługuje Pani/Panu sprzeciw wobec przetwarzania Pani/Pana danych osobowych.

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